Called to Serve

Called to Serve

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Week 8

Hello everyone!
This week was kind of crazy. On tuesday, me and my comp had to go to San Jose. Again. I had to go to do my fingerprints for my citizenship or whatever haha. So we left tuesday night, slept over there, and then did my fingerprints in the morning and left that afternoon back to Nicoya. It was hard because we lost pretty much two days of work! But it all ended up okay. Especially because i ate subway again ;) By the way, we were all freezing and it was probably like 70 degrees. I might die when i get back to Utah...

Here´s a cool story: Rita, the one who I felt prompted to go talk to in her house, has been hard to go visit because she´s been busy or sick. So we got to her house to go teach her the Restoration - my favorite thing to talk about! It was kind of crazy over there - lots of people around, we were sitting outside and it was loud, etc. So I told Hermana Montoya, we shouldn´t teach the restoration today because I´m not feeling the spirit! And that is such an important message so I thought it would be better another day. But she told me that because it is such an important message, Satan is always trying to prevent us from sharing it. So we need to share it! So we need. We started talking about Joseph Smith and the restoration. When Hermana Montoya was reciting the First Vision, when Joseph saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, she was looking at a little painting of it and she stopped us in the middle and said, ¨Ahh I have chills!!¨And i could see that her whole body had goosebumps. So that was really cool. And a lesson to me that we need to share the message of the Restoration no matter what. Because that is the most important - the fact that we have Christ´s restored church on the earth.
One thing that Ive realized here is that i have completely taken the gospel for granted. I am so so lucky to have grown up with it in my life. So I challenge you, don´t take the gospel for granted! Take advantage of it and share it with others! It is such a blessing! 
Another thing that I learned this week was something about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I learned WHY Christ suffered for our pains. In Alma 7:11-13, it explains it beautifully. He suffered our pains and sorrows so that he could be merciful to us - so that he could understand what we´re going through and be able to be compassionate towards us. Also, to be able to know how to comfort us. I just love that - he suffered for our sins so that he could know how to comfort us.
So we taught Alejandra and her boyfriend David on Saturday, and as Alejandra suggested, we taught him the Plan of Salvation. It went so well - we were laughing and getting along, and the lesson went well. We were soo happy and I was all, wow, he is totally going to get baptized! And then the next day...he totally ditched the appointment. That was super dissapointing...Alejandra said, well he´s obviously not here because he doesnt want to be, so I guess he is choosing his own path. It´s super hard because she wants to continue in the gospel so badly but she cant have all of the blessings without baptism, and he is keeping her from that. But everything will work out eventually, because Heavenly Father won´t let Alejandra be kept from the gospel because of someone elses actions. We´ll just have to help her along.
Today was fun because there´s a huge fair thing in the center of Nicoya! To celebrate their day of independence or something. I bought you your christmas presents family so be excited! Hahaha. Oh and there was a pizza hut truck so that was a bonus.
Well thats all for this week!! Love you all and thank you for all the support!!
Hermana Geis :)

                             Eating pizza hut!!

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