Called to Serve

Called to Serve

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Week 59- Miracles Every Day

So this week was really good!  We are continuing to see miracles every day. 

On Sunday night as we were walking home we were trying to do a bunch of contacts on the street. We talked to a mom and her two daughters and they said we could totally go visit them.  So we put an appointment for the next day excited to meet their family! 

So we went the next night and found out they are a family of 5!!  We were so excited!  And we also found out that they had received the missionaries like 7 years ago and went to church A BUNCH and loved everything, but then the missionaries got transferred or something so they just stopped going to church. But they were excited to have missionaries again and they all accepted a baptismal date. We were way excited.

So we called them a few days later and the mom, Lorena, told us that something horrible happened and her husband left them. So when we went to visit them they said they were okay, and Lorena said that she knows that it wasn't a coincidence that we showed up right before this all happened - as in God sent us right when this was going to happen to help their family and show them the way. So that is seriously awesome. We are hoping that Lorena and her three kids will get baptized this month.
Andrea, the reference from Utah, is just amazing. In all her prayers she thanks God for the church and says that she knows everything is true. And when she talks about her old church she says ¨my church....well it's not my church anymore, the church that I USED to go to¨ haha she's so awesome. She went to church on Sunday and she said it was really different from what she is used to but that she knows it's true nevertheless.

This weekend was super crazy here in Cartago because it was the ¨Romeria¨. don't know how to say that in English.  It's a really big Catholic holiday. People WALK to Cartago from ALL of Costa Rica to the big Basilica or Catholic church that's here in the center of Cartago. So there were THOUSANDS of people in exercise clothes in Cartago haha- it was insane. The main roads were shut down because of all of the walkers and we had to walk like 3 miles to our house at night on Saturday night because there were like no buses. So that was super interesting! --pictures attached haha

This week we are going to have a Multi Zone Conference and also the Leadership meeting, both with Elder Kevin R Duncan, the President of the area of Central America. We are way excited! 
Well thanks for all your support, I love you all
Hermana Geis
The Romeria

We kind of might have slipped these chicharrones (deep fried pig skin/fat) into this bag while eating at someone's house...

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