Hola everyone!
I cant believe we are already in the second week of november. That is so weird.
Well winter is ending here in costa rica, and instead of raining all the time it is now dry, super sunny (because it wasnt sunny before or anything), and windy!! I like it haha. Everywhere is putting up christmas decorations! We are totally going to decorate our house. Somehow. Haha! And I am trying to figure out how to celebrate thanksgiving by myself hahaha.
Today we went to San Jose at three in the morning, again, so that Hermana Perez could do fingerprints. We have to go at three in the morning AGAIN
on thursday so i can get my residence card. Very tiring but hey its what needs to be done!
We went to a place called price mart today which is costco just with a different name! I was in heaven...i felt like i was in the states! I was marvelling at all of the american products and food. It was weird. We bought a bunch of american snacks haha so that will be fun to have.
This past week we kept on working on cleaing the list of members to get the stake here in guanacaste! It is a very exciting time - establishing a stake is a huge deal! But it is not easy to find these people - we are walking around asking everyone if they know these people hahaha oh man. Im assuming its a lot easier in the states! But yes the stake is very close! :) Fabian is going to recieve the melchizedek priesthood
this sunday at the district conference. We are all taking a bus up to Liberia (2 hours away)
sunday morning for the conference. This is a great work and a big moment! :)
This past week was hard because we found a lot of promising investigators, and almost every one of them flat out told us later that they dont want anything anymore. Usually when we stop going with investigators its because they dont progress - but these people dropped us! that was really dissapointing - but not discouraging, because we know there are thousands of people in every area ready to accept the gospel. Its crazy to think about that - thousands of people ready to accept the gospel. We just have to find them.I feel a little overwhelmed thinking about how to find these people who are prepared and then I remember that I cant rely on myself. the Lord will guide me. He is in charge and he knows who is prepared.
I was reading the Liahona magazine for october and wow, it is so awesome. Everyone read it! I felt the spirit so strong. I was thinking, wow, there are so many strong members in all of the world. And reading all of the conversion stories and what not gave me hope that people can stay strong in the gospel! Sometimes i think we ask too much of the people- but we dont. Its Jesus Christ asking them to follow his gospel. And it is completely possible for each one of us to do so.
this sunday we have an activity with all the couples in the branch. The branch presidents wife got me a guitar and has asked me to sing a few songs!! So weird! Im pretty sure i forgot how to sing!! And i have no idea what to sing because i would feel really weird singing regular songs haha soo hymns it is? It was hilarious, when she was announcing the activity she was like, and we have an international singer coming to nicoya just for us! Shes from the US and you guys have to be here to see her! You wouldnt believe what we had to do to get her to come to costa rica. HAHA everyone was like, who is it!!! when they see its mee theyll be like, aw man its just hermana geis. Hahaha.
Well i love you all so much!! Have an amazing week!!!! Trust in the Lord siempre!
Hermana Geis
Price-Mart |