Hello everyone! Well this week was pretty great :)
So on wednesday, Hermana Soto left :( We met up with Hermana Chatwin and some other sisters at a bus stop, so when the bus came that Hermana Soto had to get on she just started sobbing! Haha shes so cute....i definitely will miss her but she is already planning on coming back for the ward activity this month since she lives close by haha. She will be an amazing missionary in New York!
So after we said bye, we went to the office for the trainers meeting. It was awesome as always. President was very sentimental because we are his last group of trainers before he ends :( So he said that he wanted to give us all he had to teach us! So it was awesome. He basically used the story of the Creation and related it it to how we need to plan and create our companionsip and our area. then we ate breakfast at the office with everyone, and then we had the big reveal! Me and hermana soto both felt like i would get a gringa companion, and then we found out that only one gringa came in this group. And guess what...I got her!!! Haha i was so happy!! I love my latina companions obviously haha but i wanted to train a gringa! Her name is Hermana Moon, shes from Logan Utah. Shes awesome! We´ve already had a lot of fun.
So then on Friday we had the Leadership meeting at the office, with all the zone leaders and sister training leaders. it was AMAZING. First everyone had to rendir la cuenta, or stand in front of everyone and explain the numbers for the zone or region and basically take the blame for everything. haha! It was pretty cool :) And then president taught us a bunch of awesome things. He talked a lot about the knid of leader that Christ was, and that that is how we need to be. We need to love the missionaries undconditionally, and with that we cannot be afraid to correct them or tell them to improve. I felt amazing being in that meeting! I seriously am so honored to be with all these amazing missionaries in this mission. President told us how we was talking to the apostle elder Cristofferson, and that he said, ¨The missionaries in this country, as a whole, are the best missionaries that have every walked in this country.¨ And then elder cristofferson said, ¨The quorum of the 12 and the First Presidency are extremely happy about the work that they have done.¨ Seriously im so lucky to be here. Everyone here is amazing. Which makes me really sad for the mission split! I couldnt be happier about the split for the country because it will explode with success, but a lot of my mission friends are going to be in the other mission :( But its okay! I know that whatever the Lord wants will happen :)
So yeah this week was super busy because after getting home and planning for the next week, i get to make a bunch of calls to the sisters in my zone and the district leaders to take numbers and see how theyre doing and what not. Like for example the package that i got from you mom, i wasnt even able to open it for a few days because i had no time. Haha! But its way fun and i love being busy as you know! Tomorrow i get to do divisions with some other hermanas for a few days. My companion is a great sport! haha
This sunday we had the baptism of Roxana! :) Shes been coming to church for months now. She is Griselda´s niece! :) Roxana has already almost finished the Book of Mormon, and shes 10 haha. She loves the gospel. We tried to teach her and her family right after Griselda got baptized, and they loved it at first but then they got scared to change. But now the mom is super interested again and they all came to church on sunday to see the baptism. So yay!
Ive decided id be fine if i ended my mission in cartago haha. I love it!
Me and Hermana Moon were talking today, and i just realized how used to the missionary life i am! So i kinda forgot that she wouldnt be used to it haha. Today out of no where i just told her, ¨Hermana I am so happy!¨ Because i was realizing how lucky i am to know all the people here and have these experiences. And the time is going by way to fast....but we are trying to enjoy every moment :)
I hope you all have an amazing week! I love you all soo much!
Thank you all for your love and support.
Hermana Geis :)
Before saying bye to Hermana Soto. She was crying in this photo haha |
Hermana Peters |
Hermana Chatwin |
With Hermana Chatwin and Hermana Wilkinson :) |
With Hermana Montoya and our first District Leader! He is now the assistant to the President |
Roxana's baptism |