Hello everyone!
So this was another crazy week with lots more miracles!
So we continued being confused about transfers until the huge mission conference on friday! Then we were told they just wanted to wait to change until friday since everyone was going to be there that day. And we found out that we did not have changes! We both really thought we were going to have changes, and everyone had been telling us we were going to have changes, so we were really surprised when we didnt. And we were wondering why we didnt. But basically we have already seen why we are both still here: Because we are going to see so many miracles together and work so hard! We have already seen so many miracles just this past weekend! But first of all, about the huge mission conference - it was awesome! We learned a lot about faith. That has been the focus of so much lately, so we know that that is something that we really have to strengthen. And lately i had been feeling like my faith has been a weekness. But i have felt it growing so much. I can truly feel that my faith is going to become inquebrantable (I dont know what that is in english). Me and my comp made faith notebooks, where you put in every scripture, quote, and spiritual experience that helps your faith grow. It really helps you understand faith and realize that it really can become so strong and unwavering.
So in the conference Elder Duncan of the area presidency spoke, and Elder Richard J. Maines from the presidency of the 70 spoke. It was really great. And after they spoke President Wilkinson made lots of announcements about the mission. He is dividing and creating new zones (we now have 14 zones in the mission) and called 2 more assistants! Hes getting everything ready for the split! :) So exciting. And it was so so much fun to see EVERYONE. Its the last time we´ll be able to do that, because after the split i wont ever be able to see the people in the other mission :( but Hermana Perez got changed from nicoya and is now in my same zone! Haha
So we have been teaching Griselda´s family, and they are super receptive. We went with all of them on saturday, and it was amazing because Griselda was being such a missionary! She has changed so much and i can tell she is so converted to the gospel. It was also awesome because last night we went with her, her family, and some members including our ward mission leader Jorge and his wife, and Jorge said at the end of the lesson, ¨So right now Griselda you´re going to go with the missionaries and present them to your neighbors so they can put an appointment with them.¨ Haha he was telling us that he did that with a bunch of members in his mission and that they had a ton of success from doing that. So griselda said, Okay sure! Haha so we went and it was so amazing! Because when Jorge was telling us that, we doubted that that would really work, but the people were like, Oh sure we´d love you to come visit us! And we found 3 new people and put appointments with all of them for this week. We were just in awe that it worked so well! And griselda was so confident in introducing us and inviting them. After i told her, You need to be a missionary griselda! And she just said, ¨Yeah i think i do!¨Haha which was amazing to hear because she has always said that she had no desire to do that. But she really will be amazing!
Yesterday was stake conference! Griselda, Ginnia, and Yuleiki were all planned to get confirmed after the conference, so we were visiting them all week preparing them for that. All the people without cars met in the center of cartago to take a big bus together, and griselda and her family (yay!) came just fine. But ginnia and yuleiki were having a lot of problems. This is the miracle of the week:
So Yuleiki woke up
on sunday really really sick with asthma. So ginnia was saying that they would have to go to the hospital and wouldnt be able to come. So hna Chatwin thought to send Jorge over to give her a blessing. We told Ginnia to get ready as if they would be going to church, because we knew that a miracle could happen. And ginnia just said, ¨Yeah i already told yuleiki to put a dress on.¨ Haha we love her faith!! So Jorge went over, and then he drove them over to the hospital so they could get her checked up. But guess what, as they were driving over Yuleiki already started to feel better. They still had to go to get her checked to see if everything was okay, but we were really nervous because the bus was supposed to leave at 10 30, and it would wait for no one. So at like 10 15 they were still talking to the doctor, and at 10 20 they were waiting for the results. We asked the member in charge of the bus if they could wait just a few minutes, and he said no. We were so so stressed out, because if she didnt make it she wouldnt be able to get the holy ghost that day and would have to wait a whole other week. So after kneeling down in the grass a little ways away to say a prayer, we called Jorge and explained the problem. He told us to give the phone to the guy who was in charge,and he talked to him but the guy still wouldnt budge and said they wouldnt wait even one minute after 10 30. So they all said the prayer in the bus to leave, and we were just praying so hard for a miracle. Ginnia had called and said that they were just leaving the hosptial. I cant even explain what we were feeling in those moments. And then we heard someone call the guy in charge...and then he hung up and sat down. The bishop had called him!! And said that he had to wait!! So we were so grateful and relieved, and then not even 2 minutes later, we saw Ginnia and Yuleiki at the other side of the park, hurrying over! Me and hermana chatwin just starting hugging and jumping up and down, so happy for the miracle that they were able to come so fast and just in time. This whole story might seem unimportant, but honestly it was such a miracle and such a crazy experience. Heavenly father listens and blesses us so much when we have faith! Ginnia had said that by the time they went with the doctor, her asthma was completely gone. Milagros! So griselda, ginnia, and yuleiki were all confirmed that day. As we were leaving the conference me and hna chatwin just said, ¨This is the best day ever! ¨ haha and we have been having a lot of those days, with all of these miracles we are seeing.
Me and hna chatwin have been learning so much, and are so grateful for the lord´s hand in our lives. I just know that hes there and will always always help us. I know that i am becoming more and more converted to the gospel and im so grateful for everything. Have faith in the Lord, because he will NEVER let us down.
This week i complete ten months, even though i thought i completed 9 months just yesterday.
Well i love you all so much! Until next week,
Hermana Geis
With the sisters in our old district! |
With Hermana Cook! |
With Hermana Perez :) |