Hola everyone!
This week a looot happened.
On thursday we went to san jose and i got my cedula (residence card - its like a license here, people need it for everything) ! Its a pretty big deal ;) I am tica now!
On tuesday night, we went to visit a member that I have visited a lot with each companion. Shes great. We shared something with her and then asked her who she knew who we could visit. She ended up telling us that her neighbors had talked with the missionaries a lot before, and have gone to church several times, and they have a book of mormon, etc etc. The missionaries were taken out of nicoya for a while and when that happened they stopped going to church. We were like, why havent you told us this before!! ;) haha nah we were way excited to hear this. So we went the next day, and only the wife was home (halleluja they are married). She said, Oh yeah if the missionaries had stayed just a little longer my husband would have been baptized! Haha. So we had a lesson with her and she accepted a baptismal date for this month!
The next day, we went to their house and the wife wasnt home, but the husband, Jose, was. We couldnt enter since there werent any other women in the house so we just talked with him outside for a few minutes. And wow...we were blown away. He told us how much he loved talking to the missionaries and how much he loved church, and we asked him if he has read the Book of Mormon recently. He said, Oh yeah im actually reading the Pearl of Great Price right now. Like WHAT?! Who does that! Hahaha we dont even know how he has that. So we left feeling super pumped and planned to come back the next day.
So the next day we went and neither Jose nor Felicia were there, but their daughter Isabel was. She has two babies and isnt married but wants to get married so thats a start haha. She started off saying she was catholic and didnt seem very interested but at the end of the lesson she readily accepted a baptismal date and is super excited to work with us and be baptized!
We went back the day after that hoping to talk to the parents but they werent there again. This is when the biggest miracle happens. this time, their son Jerson was there. Hes 20 years old. We started a lesson with him and he started saying things like, I have always wondered where the truth is. I just feel so confused because everyone says that they have the truth but i have always wanted to know what really is the truth. And i ask God to help me but I just havent found the truth yet. We were like, WOW you are prepared! haha and then we taught him about joseph smith and the book of mormon etc etc and i have never seen anyone understand everything so well. We taught him about the Book of mormon and he said, okay so i have to read it, really medidate it, and then ask God in the name of Jesus Christ if its true. Yes jerson that is what you have to do! Thank you! haha. In his prayer he said, Thank you for the hermanas who have cleared up my doubts and helped me know what is true. He accepted a baptismal date for the 29th of this month. The next day was the district (stake) conference in liberia and we all went in bus as a branch (its like an hour away) and he came with us!!! The conference was soo powerful. Our mission president is such a powerful speaker. everyone is just completely silent when he talks. His talk was completely inspired: Dios es nuestro amoroso padre celestial. God is our loving heavenly father - what better topic is there? He told us a bunch of amazing stories of God answering prayers. Basically, God will do ANYTHING to answer our prayers. He starts answering our prayers before we ask them - he starts preparing people to be the answers to our prayers before we even pray. He has 7 billion children on the earth right now and is listening and answering prayers of every single person. Why? Because he LOVES us. And only for that reason. :)
So after the conference, know what Jerson said? He said, You know what? I want to serve a mission. And then he said, When is my baptism again? [the 29th! do you still want to prepare to be baptized that day?) Yes of course!! Ahhh milagros. En serio. We went with Isabel, the sister, and Jerson again today and they are both still totally excited to be baptized.
We found out that Jose has been talking with missionaries for YEARS haha. Our ward mission leader actually served in this area (hes like 23 and got married to someone here so now lives here) and even HE taught him! But we know that everyone has their time and we have the faith that this is his time? He said he has prayed and asked if its true but hasnt gotten an answer yet. We think he has gotten it - he just hasnt recognized it. The fact that he wants to keep reading the book of mormon and the pearl of great price and all these things is an answer in itself - feeling enlightened and a desire to learn more is also an answer from the holy ghost. So we are going to help him recognize that!
So last night i got to sing! It was an activity for all the married couples and single adults, and it was so funny - guiselle made this big introduction and they i walked in the room as the surprise haha awkward. I was so nervous, like always!! But honestly, it felt so good. I missed it so much. I sang come thou fount of every blessing and then two songs from efy. Im so grateful for the opportunity i had to do that.
In other news i cut probably about 10 inches off my hair today! hahaha woohoo!
oh also we also went to the district conference
saturday night and it was so good. They said that during the priesthood session when president wilkinson was speaking, that they had never felt the spirit so strong. And we found out that as a zone we cleaned like 700 names out of the cimi!! so we are all ready to be a stake! the first presidency just has to review everything :) Pres Wilk. said that this conference was historic, because it would be the last time as a district. He also said that each member and missionary and everyone in guanacaste (the zone) had been prepared in the pre earth life to be here in this moment, to help turn the area into a stake. Wow.
well i love you all!!!! bye!!!
hermana geis :)
Cut 10 inches off! |
Bus Ride to District Conference |
Making tamales |
Singing at the branch social |
Members at the branch social |
Members at the branch social |
Teaching our seminary class |