Ok. So i really dont even know how i am going to write this email...because SO much happened!!!
So we have been preparing Ginia and her daughter Yuleiki for baptism right, and everything went great with them. Theyre amazing and were so excited and just couldnt wait! So we werent worried about them at all.
Who we were worried about was Griselda. She has been reading and praying and has said always that she feels so good about everything, but doesnt have the desire to be baptized. So we really didnt know how to help her or what we could do to help her accept the answer from God that she had gotten. We werent able to see her at all this past week so we had just been calling her and reminding her to read and everything.
We have felt for so long that Griselda was so ready to be baptized - it was just the fear of taking this step that has been holding her back. So we wanted her to have another baptismal interview on saturday, done by the Zone Leaders, to help her realize that she really is ready. So we had planned to have it saturday morning but Griselda ended up not coming to Cartago and the ZLs didnt want to go to her house, since its far away. So we ended up taking the bus to her house to see what was going on with her. So we read JS History and we talked to her about how shes felt about everything. She said she has felt really good but theres just something that has been holding her back, and shes been waiting for a sign from God to know that its all true. So then we read D&C
6:15, 22-23 (go read it). And then she just sat there....and said, ¨Ive been waiting so long for a sign...could it really be that feeling good is the answer?¨ we said YES. And so we asked her if she would want to have her baptismal interview again, and she said yes. We had the baptismal interview questions out and so she took the list and looked at them, and just said, ¨Estoy preparada.¨ or, ¨Im prepared.¨ We could not even believe she had said that. So then we called the ZLs and we coordinated to have griselda come to cartago and we would all meet in the church. Griselda called us later to say that she couldnt come, but we were not going to let that happen. So we told her we would go eat after to celebrate my birthday (haha) and so she finally came. Elder Toledo (who was with me in nicoya for 5 months and is now the ZL here) gave her the interview, and we were So nervous the entire time we were waiting. Then he FINALLY came out, and he just said, ¨Do you have a baptismal form?¨ And then we just ran into the room where Griselda was and she was just crying. So we hugged and hugged and she said, ¨I got my answer.¨ I dont think i have ever felt so much joy in my life. I couldnt even believe it - we have worked so hard to help her get her answer and she finally recognized it. Of course WE didnt do a thing - it was the Lord and the Spirit. She agreed to be baptized the next day.
She later told us that elder toledo had her kneel down right there, and ask in prayer every single specific question about the church: About the Book of Mormon, if this was when she should be baptized, etc, and she said that after she asked the questions, she just started crying and couldnt stop.
So that was the biggest miracle i have seen. It was so amazing.
So the next day, Sunday and my birthday, was amazing. The elders had a baptism before church, then Ginia and Yuleiki got baptized right after church. Ginia bore her testimony after and was crying, saying how amazing she felt. Then Griselda got baptized at
5 oclock in the afternoon (she was gonna have her baptism before church but the member who she wanted to do the baptism couldnt until that time). It was so amazing. I couldnt even believe i was seeing griselda in white, finally ready to take that step into the Church of Jesus Christ.
So through all these amazing events, my birthday was the last thing on my mind haha but people were nice about it and all :) And i felt all your love! It is a birthday that i will NEVER forget. Full of miracles and people taking steps necearry to recieve la vida eterna! I have no doubt that they will never fall away. They are so strong, and truly converted to the restored gospel.
So after all of that me and hna chatwin were so exhausted and could barely walk haha. And to add more craziness to my birthday, that was when they were supposed to call us for changes. I was told i would be training and that hna chatwin would be leaving but then we never got the call, and then we found out the no one in the entire mission had changes! They got postponed or something, we really have no idea but we are all so confused. We have a meeting with the entire mission on friday with Elder Duncan, the area president, so we will see what happens!
So today i was reading in Alma 31, and i felt like it was talking to me! My mission is awesome and im really happy, but sometimes we just need a little comfort from the Lord. And in verses 30-33, Alma, the prophet, is just asking heavenly father to comfort him in Christ. I loved that, because even the prophet got sad and needed comfort from our heavenly father. and we can ALWAYS ask for that comfort, and he will always give it to us :)
We went to walmart yesterday. it was overwhelming. Hahaha
So a volcano is erupting in a nearby city....but no worries we are not affected!
Also i will now be writing on mondays again! Dont ask why, but its changed back to mondays.
Ok well i love you all! Sigan adelante!
Con mucho amor, Hermana Geis
Best Birthday Ever!! Day of Griselda's baptism :) |
Best Birthday Ever!! Day of baptisms Ginia and Yuleiki!
With ginia and yuleiki!
Hermana Chatwin
Griselda :)
Birthday Package !
Candy !
Earrings from Alissa :)
YW Embark Necklace
Music CD's
Sweater !
The Elders' Baptism
Ginia and Yuleiki
Ginia, Yuleiki and the members who gave them as a reference
Ginia, Yuleiki and Rosa, a recent convert who is her best friend
Ginia, Yuleiki and our new ward mission leader, Jorge who baptized them
Griselda :)
Griselda and all her family and the members who gave her as a reference