This week was pretty crazy. So we went to San Jose Tuesday afternoon, got to the mission office later that night, and Hermana Burningham had her last interview. He also interviewed me since I was there - it was really good! He asked me to share spiritual experiences and what ive been studying and what not. And then he said...¨Now Im just going to be straight with you..next week youre going to get a brand new missionary. Youre going to be training.¨ I was sooo excited to hear that! Im going to be training a brand new missionary :) I dont know if she´ll be latina or gringa, so we´ll see! We´re going to San Jose tomorrow, I´ll go to a trainers meeting
on wednesday morning, then to breakfast at the President´s house, and then they´ll announce the companionships. I really wanted to train, but more and more ive realized what a big responsibility that is!
On wednesday I started to feel that weight on my shoulders but I have asked the Lord to give me the strength, patience, and love that´s necessary to train someone. Today we cleaned the house and organized stuff to make sure she feels comfortable in the house and I put up decorations and am going to make posters with scriptures and quotes on them to make the house an uplifting place :) I am going to really try to serve her as much as I can and to make her feel like she is loved! As they say in the mission field, she´s my ¨hija¨ so I´ll have to treat her like that! Im excited!
on wednesday morning we got up super early and went to the temple :) it was great. I did not want to leave haha because I did not want to leave the peace that is in the temple. I bought some pictures at the temple store, then we ate lunch at KFC, and then headed back to Nicoya. Our district leader came with us to do the baptismal interview with Keisy, and that went totally well! Arlyn however....she wasnt there. We found out that her dad said she couldnt get baptized or something like that...we really dont know. This has happened before with her, and maybe shes just not ready yet. But we focused on getting keisy ready for her baptism
on friday! And everything went well with the baptism :) She was super excited and seemed really happy! Im very happy for her! But our work isnt over yet - we are going to teach her everyything over again so that she really understands everything and we need to continue to work with her to make sure she stays strong. She got to church late
on Sunday, but was confirmed and recieved the holy ghost :) In her confirmation blessing, she was blessed to serve a full time mission and eventually be sealed in the temple! How amazing is that! We need to work super hard with her to help her reach those blessings :) her boyfriend went to her baptism and church with her and we are teaching him and his family! So we have high hopes for them too.
So we have been visiting a couple that has like 6 or more kids under 10 haha. They have had a lot of questions and a lot of doubts, but I honestly see them progressing in the future. Poco a poco. The mom, Lendy, does not like the idea of religion or church because she has had a lot of bad experiences in different churches. Last night, we were trying to get her to pray to end the lesson. She did not want to at all. She was refusing. But after expaining how to do it and waiting for a long time, she finally did it. And after she ended, we asked her how she felt, and she said, ¨I feel good. I have never prayed before in my life, because I have never known how. Ive asked my husband how to pray because I wanted to, but Ive never known how.¨ So that was a cool experience to be a part of :) her first prayer! Theyre going to take a lot of lessons and work to help them progress but I really do have high hopes for them.
Last night we had dinner at the branch presidents house and we had roast, a bunch of vegetables, and mashed potatoes. I was like, This is what we eat the United States! I was so happy!
Well everyone, wish me luck with my new companion! This week will be crazy!
Keisy's Baptism |
Beautiful Keisy |
With Hermana Burningham at the temple |
Decorating the apartment for the new companion |
Guiselle--the Branch President's Wife |
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