Hello everyone!
So changes were yesterday right....and i am still in nicoya!!
I was shocked for real. I had accepted that i was leaving haha. I washed all my clothes
on saturday, took a bunch of pictures, like i was ready hahaha. And then they FINALLY called us at
8:30 on SundayNIGHT and told me that i was staying. I was like, ¨What??¨ Haha. I guess Im still needed in Nicoya - I think this will honestly be a challenge because after being in an area for so long you start to wonder what else you can do here. And this change is 8 weeks longs, so i will be in nicoya for HALF of my mission. The people are going to get so tired of me! Haha. Everyone companionship in our district got one changed out, except me and hermana Perez. Its so sad to see the other missionaries go! When i told presidente solis i would be staying he said, ¨Yesss youll be here for the christmas dinner!¨ Oh presidente...
So I told you all that the mission reached 200 baptisms right? Well we had zone conference
on thursday and they read a bunch of stories about the CRAZY things that happened - a couple churches didnt have water (what are the odds) and the missionaries were like calling the firemen hahaha but ended up using garbage cans to fill up the font with water, and other missionaries had to go to someones pool and had the baptism there! Crazy things like that...but it was so awesome to hear how the missionaries didnt give up and how they still had faith to have the baptisms and bring these souls to Christ.
So we found some miracles this week! We found some people who are really prepared to accept the gospel :) One hermana is named Letty, and she lives with her 8 year old daughter. She recently separated from her ex husband, and is going through some hard times. And she is so willing to accept the gospel. She came to church
on sunday despite many difficulties that could have kept her from coming, and she and her daughter are going to get baptized the 27th of this month :) She even knows a bunch of people in the branch, and luckily lots of people reached out to her
on sunday as well.
We also found another single mom and daugther - Maria and Eva, who is 11. Maria has doubts, and feels confused about the different religions. But she really wants to learn and we know that she is going to get baptized as well. Eva has already read 10 pages into the Book of Mormon and loves everything about what we teach.
We are also teaching some neighbors of Eva, Dayton and Yerlan, theyre brothers who are 14 and eleven. They make me laugh, they are so cute! And Dayton has been reading the book of mormon and underlining the verses and all of these things, and they are super excited about their baptisms for the 27th as well. Weve been wanting to talk to Daytons mom, but she doesnt have the desire to listen.But she told us, I want them to listen to you so come whenever you want! haha. poco a poco con ella :)
Time is flying! I cant believe christmas is so soon. We bought a fake tree the other day to put in the house haha so that will be fun!
Sunday night there was what is called Festival de la Luz. Its like a huge parade where everyyyone is in the street watching, and its to start of Christmas or something. We didnt get to see it thought because we watched the Christmas devotional in the church - it was so good! Have you all seen the video that the church put out for christmas? In spanish its El es La Dadiva i dont know what it is in english haha but we have cards that we pass out to everyone to go watch it. And i heard that
on sunday, the Church took over youtube!! How amazing is that!!! The front page of youtube was only things of the church. So awesome. AND theyre advertising the video in times square!!!
I am very grateful to be a missionary this Christmas. I am able to focus on whats really important - That Christ was born. Im so grateful to our heavenly father for sending us his son, as his gift to us. We owe everything to him. We should all think about a gift that we can each give our heavenly father and his son Jesus Christ for christmas.
I love you all and am grateful for all of you in my life.
Have a great week :)
Love, Hermana Geis
(click pictures for full size)
With Dayton, Yerla, and Eva! |
Our Thanksgiving Dinner |
Little bananas! |
P-day at the beach |
Hermana Perez and me |
Service! Cleaning el lugar de los ancianos |
This couple just got married in el lugar de los ancianos |
Hermana Holmes and Hermana Jensen who just got transferred |
Saying goodbye to Elder Toledo. The people on the left are people that he baptized a few months ago--Maria and Stwart. They just got married a few months ago. They are AMAZING converts to the gospel. |
.JPG) |
Us and the elders |
Floribeth and her grandson,Yane |
Yummy food from Maribeth |
Stress relief mask from cousin Emily. ( She may or may not have been requested not to share ;) ) |
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