Hello everyone!
Honestly these weeks are flying by. I cant even believe that we are already halfway done with January basically. Its almost scary how fast the time goes by! Time has never gone so fast, I keep thinking about how in High School the year would just drag on haha but not here!
This week a lot happened and it went by super fast.
On Thursday we had Zone Conference, and then after that we did divisions with the Sister Training Leaders (or Hermanas especialistas). Hna Carrera came to Nicoya with me and Hermana Perez stayed in Liberia. It went well! It was interesting because Hermana Perez and I both realized the things that we do really well together - and of course things we can improve on. But yeah, I'm grateful for my companion! :) We've already planned a Disneyland trip in a few years ;)
Yesterday for Pday we got up super early to go on a hike with the Elders and Maria and Stuart. Its a famous hike here in Nicoya (maybe because its the only one) but its super steep and high! And Maria is in a wheel chair right...so the Elders and Stuart pushed/carried her the whole way! It was not easy but we all made it! And it was super pretty at the top. We could see allll of Nicoya.
After that we went grocery shopping and then went to Vivian and Jose's house, the one we went to for Christmas eve that we have to take a bus to get to. We made pizza and then later went to a river! It was really pretty. So it was a full day but a lot of fun! We are realizing that we have the rest of our lives to rest and sleep, so why waste a Pday just resting?! Haha ;) we want to do all we can!
We are working really hard to find a lot of new investigators. And we have found a ton! We just have to work hard with them so that they can progress. Getting people to church is not easy, even when they have nothing else to do. So we are going to work more with the members, because that is the key to everything.
We've been working a lot with Letty, who was going to be baptized in December. We have had so many spiritual experiences with her and she has always said, Yo voy a bautizarme ya! Always super excited and what not. Well, she's been going through a lot of trials lately, and instead of turning to the Lord to help her, she has turned away. She says that she's the only one who can get through her trials, but that's not true! We NEED the Lord to help us, we can't get through anything alone. It's been hard because we can see her heart hardening and there's nothing we can do about it. She doesn't believe that if she puts the Lord first, He will bless her.
She doesn't believe that no matter how much we testify of it. So everyone, let your trials soften you, instead of harden you. We can either be humbled or hardened, as it says several times in the Book of Mormon. This life is a time of trials and tests so we are going to be tried. And we can only get through our trials with the Lord by our side. And he will always be there if we ask him to be.
Well thank you for all of the support, I got some more Christmas cards at our last Zone Conference last week. I just loved getting all of them - Grandma Joanie, Stephen & Jessica, Alissa & Jordan and the Fallentines, Kirbys, Stohs, Wilkes - your families are just beautiful! And to the RB Young Women again, thank you :) I love you all!)
Have a great week!! Love, Hermana Geis
Hiking up the mountain (The Elders carrying Maria) |
Hermana Perez and her stick! |
View of Nicoya |
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