Hello everyone!
Well this week was really good of course :)
On tuesday we had the zone conference and i got to talk to everyone about becoming a Preach My Gospel missionary. I love that subject! And David A Bednar gave a really good talk about that so i gave everyone a copy and we studied. Preach my gospel is so amazing.
After the zone conference we all went to taco bell (because its the cheapest place haha) and then i got to do my first division as a sister training leader. It was really good! My companion went to another area, Paraiso, and one of the hermanas from Paraiso came with me - Hermana Montepeque. She has 2 months in the mission and is from Guatemala, and is super sweet. It was a lot of fun because you always learn so much in divisions, and you can really help each other. They lasted till thursday, and on thursday we went to Paraiso to meet up with the other hermanas and we sat in during their weekly planning session to see how their planning is. It was awesome.
So with divisions and all this week just flewww by. We have found a lot of amazing people to teach. The mom of Roxana, the girl who just got baptized, accepted a baptismal date! Her name is Gleny. She loovees the church. Me and hna chatwin taught her a little a long time ago, but she ended up telling us she didnt want anything because she didnt want to ¨change her religion¨ and what not, but she now loves everything about the gospel and wants to be baptized. A miracle :) And this is Griselda´s (recent convert) sister, so grisela is extremely happy to have her family in church with her! Her mom is also coming with them :) So now we are traveling a lot to where they live, which is kinda far away. But its worth it! Its funny because we have really seen that the people who are really prepared live farther away - but they are the ones who get baptized! And they are all active :) so its amazing! I have seen SO much success in cartago, and everyone was telling me how hard of an area it was! I LOVE cartago!!
So tomorrow we have a meeting with the entire mission! But im soo sad because it will be the last time i see a lot of people :( including president wilkinson. I have learned so much from him. His wife wanted us to send her what we have learned from him so this is what i sent: One thing i learned from President Wilkinson is to forget myself and go to work. I remembe rthat when he got sick and they wanted him to go to Salt Lake, he said that he wanted to stay and work, and that he would rest in the Millenium. That is just amazing! I learned from him that what we want doesnt matter at all! That everything should be for the Lord. Ive learned that i have all of eternity to enjoy myself, as Parley P Pratt said, so i should give my whole heart to this work! Hearing president´s testimony has strenghthened mine so much. And i have really learned about exact obedience - not just for the mission rules, but for the commandments of God. I am so grateful for every single thing i have learned from president and i know that my future has changed because of what ive learned from him.
But really...my mission prep teacher at BYU told us that our mission calls have a lot to do with the mission president God wants us to have - and now i really understand that. I have just learned a lot of life changing things about discipleship and giving all to the Lord.
This is a historical time here in Costa Rica! The best mission in the world will soon be two :)
Also, the prophet and apostles, in the temple, reviewed the papers for CARTAGO to be its own stake this past week. So we will find out tomorrow what they decided! :)
Thank you for all your support! love you all so much!
Hermana Geis :)
My two daughters: Hermana Moon and Hermana Perez |
The girls in the zone |
Zona de Cartago |
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